Since 2000 a partnership between zoos in the United States has been a driving force behind the conservation efforts at Punta San Juan. Currently, the Saint Louis Zoo, Chicago Zoological Society, Kansas City Zoo and Woodland Park Zoo are the managing partners of a consortium in collaboration with Cayetano Heredia University. Through these partners, additional generous support is received from other zoos and donors (institutions and individuals) from around the world.

Managing Partners agree to work together in the Punta San Juan Program with the primary purpose of supporting wildlife conservation efforts at the Punta San Juan reserve in Marcona, Ica, Peru through wildlife research, biological monitoring, capacity building, community programs, educational programs, and other associated tasks. Managing partners participate in planning and support the core operations of Punta San Juan Research Station. Their funding covers the annual budget and employs the PSJ Program Staff, a qualified team of Peruvians who are committed to conservation of the wildlife at this amazing protected area.

Managing Partners

Managing partners coordinate their participation through a memorandum of understanding signed by their institutional officer. Each Managing Partner has a designated institutional representative for operational decisions. Representatives meet once a year and communicate on a regular basis.

Partner institutions and their current representatives are:

Anne Tieber
Dr. Michael Adkesson
Sean Putney
Dr. Alejandro Grajal
Scott Newland
Susana Cárdenas Alayza

Supporting Partners

Our Supporting Partners are institutions, foundations, and individuals donors who contribute funds through grants and gifts. Their support is crucial to the success of many Punta San Juan Program activities and we are very grateful. Every bit helps!

Supporting Partners that have given in the past 3 years:

$5,000 USD and above

$1,000 USD and above:

If you or your institution would like to donate or are interested in becoming a Supporting or Managing Partner, please contact Anne Tieber (

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