Susana arrived to the Punta San Juan Program in 2004 as part of a study evaluating the reoccupation of the largest South American fur seal colony in Peru after the decline due to the effects of El Niño 1997/98. She currently holds a PhD in Ecology from the University of Montpellier, France in co-supervision with the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (2021). M.Sc. in Zoology from The University of British Columbia, Canada (2012). Professional Title in Biology (2007) and Bachelor of Science in Biology (2005) from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). Susana has a genuine interest in understanding the variability of environmental and oceanographic conditions of the Humboldt Current ecosystem through the eyes of marine predators in order to offer concrete recommendations for their conservation. Her research is focused on the population and trophic ecology of top predators in the Humboldt Current, through the use of different methodologies (population dynamics, trophic ecology, biologging). Today Susana is Director of the Punta San Juan Program where she works in the planning of annual operations of the Program, coordination of inter-institutional collaboration agreements, supervision of research projects with national and international collaborators, fundraising and public relations. She is also an associate professor appointed to the Department of Biological and Physiological Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Philosophy at UPCH, where she teaches and supervises several students developing their theses on marine ecology and conservation issues. She is co-author of more than 35 indexed scientific publications and active member of specialized committees in conservation and management of marine biodiversity and endangered species at national and international level.