Reproductive success
The study investigates the reproductive success in reproductively mature guanay (Phalacocorax bougainvillii).

The objective of this study is to quantify the differences in the long-term and inter-annual number of chicks produced in quadrants distributed in different areas of the breeding colony of sea birds in the Punta San Juan reserve.

Data is intensively collected before, during and after the guano birds breeding season (September - March) by direct observation and counting of active nests, number of chicks and number of fledglings in quadrants prepared for the study.

The annual production of the number of chicks and seasonality of the breeding peak is important because it serves as an indicator of the welfare of the population, which is directly related to the environmental conditions of that year.
Franco Sandoval / Marco Cardeña en colaboración con los guardaislas de Agrorural.
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